Belvidere Brooks Memorial Award

Created from a fund established by alumni of the College and friends of Captain Belvidere Brooks Class of 1910, who was killed in action at Villa Savoye, France, August 21, 1918. Presented at the closed of the football season to the member of the team whose playing during the season has been of the greatest credit of the College. No person shall receive the medal more than once.

2023 Tim Landolfi ’23
2022 Joel Nicholas ’23
2021  Ian Devine ’22
2020 No Season
2019 Ben Anthony ’20 & Jeremy Subjinksi ’20
2018 Karsten Salveson ’19
2017 Sam Gowen ’18
2016 Alex Brandeis ’17
2015 Mark Pomella ’16
2014 Thomas Cabarle ’15
2013 James Howe ’16
2012 Darren Hartwell ’13
2011 Dan O’Mara ’12
2010 Pat Moffitt ’11
2009 Simon Kloeckner ’09
2008 Brian Morrissey ’09
2007 Patrick Lucey ’08
2006 Jonathan Drenckhahn ’07
2006 Brendan Fulmer ’07
2005 Eric Ludwig ’07
2004 Timothy Crawley ’05
2004 Wesley Connors ’05
2003 William McGrath ’04
2003 Michael Hackett ’04
2003 J. Graham Goldwasser ’04
2002 Ryan Friend ’03
2002 Scott Farley ’03
2001 David Fontes ’02
2001 Benjamin Sands ’02
2000 Daniel DiCenzo ’01
1999 Sean Kennan ’00
1998 Matthew Sigrist ’99
1997 Peter Supino ’98
1996 Eric Kelly ’97
1995 Jamall Pollock ’96
1994 Ramon Silva ’95
1994 Brian Gigliotta ’95
1993 Todd Ducharme ’94
1993 Robert Neviaser ’93
1992 Daniel Dwyer ’92
1991 Scott Rynne ’91
1990 Richard Williams ’90
1989 Daniel Pritchard ’89
1988 Mark Meyer ’88
1987 James Poulsen ’87
1986 Brian Nixon ’87
1985 Reginold Hollinger ’85
1984 Christopher Woodworth ’84
1983 Timothy Curran ’83
1982 Stephen Doherty ’82
1981 Christopher Suits ’81
1981 Brian Benedict ’84
1980 Frederick Walter ’80
1979 Steven Rogers ’79
1978 William Whelan Jr. ’78
1977 David Libardi ’77
1976 John Costello ’76
1975 Joseph Twining ’75
1974 Christopher McGavin ’74
1973 Mark Lesnioski ’73
1972 John Murray ’72
1971 Robert Farnham ’71
1970 John Maitland ’70
1969 Ross Wilson ’69
1968 Randall Dygert ’68
1967 Thomas Phillips ’67
1966 Edward Wing ’67
1965 Jerry Jones ’65
1964 Benjamin Wagner ’64
1963 Ethan Nadel ’63
1962 Bruce Grinnell ’62
1961 John Newton ’62
1960 Robert Judd ’61
1959 Harlow Ide Jr. ’59
1958 Gerry Martin ’58
1957 Richard Fearon ’57
1956 Michael Rakov ’57
1955 Timothy Hanan ’56
1954 Dennis Meenan ’54
1953 Dennis Meenan ’54
1952 Theodore Sullivan ’53
1951 Charles Salmon ’52
1950 John Kulsar ’52
1949 Peter DeLisser ’51
1948 Stuart Duffield Jr. ’50
1947 Eugene Murphy ’48
1946 Patrick Higgins ’48
1945 Not Awarded
1944 Not Awarded
1943 Not Awarded
1942 J. Stiegman ’44
1941 H. Holden ’42
1940 J. Meehan ’41
1939 O. Wood ’40
1938 L. Durrell ’39
1937 D. Stearns ’37
1936 E. Stanley ’37
1935 G. Welles Jr. ’36
1934 H. Stanton ’37
1933 C. Rogers ’34
1932 R. Woodrow ’34
1931 W. Fowle ’32
1930 B. Langmald ’31
1929 Not Awarded
1928 H. Putnam ’29
1927 D. Lawder ’28
1926 J. Nott ’27
1925 F. Howe Jr. ’26
1924 R. Bourne ’25
1923 A. Healey ’24
1922 H. Mallon ’24
1921 E. Fargo Jr. ’22
1920 W. Burger ’22
1919 Ben Boynton ’22

Michael D. Rakov Memorial Award

Originally presented in 1957 by the members of the Alpha Delta Phi to be awarded annually to the member of the varsity football team who, in the opinion of his coaches, is the most improved lineman and who possesses superior qualities of leadership, aggressiveness and determination.

2023 Henry Walsh ’23
2022 Calvin Jackson ’23 & John Freeman ’23
2021 Justin Burke ’22
2020 No Season
2019 Jeff MacArthur ’20
2018 Oscar Unobskey ’20
2017 Ellis Eaton ’18
2016 Sam Gowen ’18
2015 Jack Ryan ’16
2014 Eric Davis ’17
2013 Charlie Grossnickle ’16
2012 David Baker
2011 Pete Christiani ’13
2010 Graham McCulloch ’11
2009 Mike McGuire ’10
2008 Charlie Birns ’09
2007 Andrew DeSalvo ’08
2007 James Bierman ’08
2006 Michael Elsert ’08
2006 Christopher Kenney ’07
2005 Michael Saracco ’06
2004 Caleb Bliss ’05
2003 Frederick Ludwig ’06
2002 Justin Classen ’03
2002 Andrew Maurer ’04
2001 Garrett DiCarlo ’03
2000 Robert Houle ’01
1999 Wyeth Lynch ’00
1998 Christopher Sweatman ’00
1997 Alfred Dugan ’98
1996 Robert Hyland IV ’97
1995 Justin Williams ’96
1994 Nathan Sleeper ’95
1994 Bartholomew Ronan ’95
1993 Thomas Day ’94
1992 Rives Nolen ’94
1991 Eugene Klein Jr. ’92
1990 Michael Abbruzzese ’91
1989 James Roy Jr. ’91
1988 Andrew Allen ’91
1987 Joseph Thompson ’89
1986 John Ciolek ’87
1985 Taylor Watts ’87
1984 James Franz ’87
1983 Paul Coleman Jr. ’85
1982 Steven Jaffe ’83
1981 Michael Hawkins ’83
1980 Stephen Doherty ’82
1979 Bruce Kneuer ’80
1978 Donald Rice ’79
1977 Todd Eckerson ’78
1976 Peter Tuttle ’78
1975 James Spaulding ’77
1974 David Kurfess ’76
1973 Bryan Smith ’75
1972 Jeffrey Boltz ’73
1971 Thomas Cesarz ’72
1970 Stephen Creahan ’73
1969 Reginold Pierce III ’72
1968 James Lapierre ’69
1967 William Calfee ’68
1966 Paul Lipof ’67
1965 Alfred Kirkland ’66
1964 Paul Kimball Jr. ’65
1963 Kenneth Griffith ’64
1962 Alvin Hageman III ’64
1961 Daniel Crowley ’62
1960 Rawson Lowden ’59
1959 Louis Guzzetti Jr. ’61
1958 Robert Lowden ’59
1957 George Vare Jr. ’58
1956 Karl Schoeller ’58

Charles Dewoody Salmon Award

Originally presented in 1960 by his former teammates in memory of Captain Charles D. Salmon, USAF, former Little All-American guard and captain of the 1951 Williams College football team who was killed in service of his country. Awarded to the member of the varsity football squad who, in the opinion of the coaching staff, has made the most significant contribution to the varsity football team in his sophomore or first year of eligibility.  Created in the sincere hope that the award will serve to inspire the recipient, in the years that follow, to seek the same superior qualities of performance and leadership which Chuck Salmon exemplified.

2023 Owen McHugh ’27 & Holden Gering ’27
2022 Ivan Shuran ’25
2021 CJ Vilfort ’24
2020 No Season
2019 Drew Michalek ’23
2018 Frank Stola ’21
2017 Bobby Maimaron ’21
2016 Ben Anthony ’20
2015 Amyhr Barber ’19
2014 Connor Harris ’18
2013 Taysean Scott ’17
2012 Tom Cabarle ’15
2011 Adam Marske ’14
2010 Darren Hartwell ’13
2009 Christopher Cameron ’13
2008 Colin Curzi ’12
2007 Simon Kloeckner ’10
2006 Timothy Batty ’09
2005 Jonathan Pritchard ’08
2004 Matthew Gustafson ’08
2004 Nicholas Fersen ’07
2003 Elliott Moffie ’07
2002 Timothy Crawley ’05
2002 Wesley Connors ’05
2001 William McGrath ’04
2000 Michael Hackett ’04
1999 James Kingsley ’02
1998 Daniel Dicenzo ’01
1997 Frederick Storz ’01
1996 Matthew Sigrist ’99
1995 Peter Supino ’98
1994 Eric Kelley ’97
1993 Mark Kossick ’97
1992 Bobby Walker Jr. ’95
1991 Eric Minkwitz ’92
1990 Christopher McLiraith ’94
1989 Daniel Dwyer ’92
1988 George Rogers III ’91
1987 Richard Wiliams ’90
1986 Scott Kennedy ’89
1985 James Poulsen ’87
1984 Jerome Rizzo ’97
1983 Brian Nixon ’87
1982 Reginold Hollinger ’85
1981 Edward Thomas ’85
1980 John Kowalik ’83
1979 John Lawler IV ’92
1978 Jeffrey Desmond ’82
1977 Gus Nuzzolese ’80
1976 John Thiel ’79
1975 Paul Zabroske ’78
1974 Thomas Redden ’77
1973 Timothy Mages ’76
1972 George Niden Jr. ’75
1971 Dan Entwisle ’74
1970 John Gallagher Jr. ’73
1969 John Murray ’72
1968 Robert Farnham ’71
1967 John Maitland ’70
1966 James Dunn Jr. ’73
1965 William Drummond ’68
1964 Edward Wing ’67
1963 Martin McLean ’66
1962 Gordon Bussard ’65
1961 Michael Reily ’64
1960 John Bell ’63
1959 Bruce Grinnell ’62

Dr. Edward J. Coughlin, Jr. Award

Presented by the Williams Sideline Quarterback Club to the member of the Williams College Football team who, in spite of adversity or injury, has made an outstanding contribution to the team.

2023 Mario Fischetti  ’25
2022 Ian Devine ’22
2021 Jarrett Wesner ’22
2020 No Season
2019 John Rooney ’21
2018 Ryan Pruss ’20
2017 Michael Kidd Phillips ’18
2016 Kevin Walsh ’17
2015 James Howe ’16
2014 Etienne Aduya ’15
2013 Ernest Higginbotham ’14
2012 Alex Scocurka ’14
2011 Chris Cleary ’12
2010 Vince Nistico ’11
2009 Nick Caro ’10
2008 Henry Szawlowski ’09
2007 Jonathan Pritchard ’08
2006 Brendan Fulmer ’07
2005 Timothy Burbridge ’06
2004 Scott Malish ’05
2003 Brian Catanella ’04
2002 Vernard Bond ’03
2001 Marshall Creighton ’02
2000 Colin Vataha ’01
2000 Louis Moll ’01
1999 John Berry Jr. ’00
1998 David Nemeskal ’99
1997 Lee Kindlon ’98
1996 Brian Higgins ’97
1996 Kris Kahn ’97
1995 Michael Bajakian ’96
1994 Bobby Walker Jr. ’95
1994 Eric Minkwitz ’96
1993 Christian Kitchell ’94
1992 Matthew Aselton ’93
1991 Cheyenne Amos ’92
1991 David Willmott ’92
1990 Daniel Dwyer ’92
1989 Clifton Wright ’90
1988 Joseph Thompson ’89
1987 David Crompton ’88
1986 Dexter Lawson Jr. ’89
1985 Jeffrey Lilley ’86
1984 Anthony Gioffre ’85
1983 John McCarthy ’84
1982 Gary Pfaff ’83
1981 Thomas Bouchard ’82
1980 Robert Van Dore ’81
1979 Gus Nuzzolese ’80
1978 Bruce Wilson ’79
1978 Mark Eckert ’79
1977 Scott Harrington ’78
1976 Emmett Creahan ’77
1975 David Mielcarz ’77
1975 James Baldwin ’76
1974 Timothy Mages ’76
1973 Ronald Thomas ’74
1972 Thomas Lee ’73

Richard J. Farley Award

Created in honor of Hall of Fame coach Dick Farley to the senior member of the football team who, in the opinion of the coaching staff, has demonstrated the superior qualities of dedication, loyalty and sacrifice for the betterment of the team. This award is presented annually by the award namesake, Richard “Dick” Farley, who coached the Ephs from 1987 – 2003 and posted five perfect seasons en route to a 114 -19.3 (.849) career record.

2023 Drew Michalek ’23
2022 Coleston Smith ’22
2021 Robert Maimaron ’21
2020 No Season
2019 Luke Apuzzi ’20 & Oscar Unobskey ’20
2018 Christian Dumont ’18
2017 Adam Regensburg ’18
2016 Eric Davis ’17
2015 Mark Pomella ’16
2014 Thomas Murphy ’15
2013 Steven Kiesel ’15
2012 Pete Christiani
2011 J. C. Stickney ’12
2010 Ryan Lupo ’11
2010 Pat Barren ’11
2009 William Cronin ’10
2008 Austin Norris ’09
2007 Craig Sundberg ’08
2006 Sean Gleason ’07

Michael Meredith Reily ’64 Award

This award was created in 2011 and represents the only award voted by the team to recognize the football player who best embodies the spirit, ideals, and character of the team, as defined by his teammates.  It is named in honor of Mike Reily ’64 who, over his Williams football career, exemplified the highest levels of performance and leadership on the playing field with extraordinary levels of determination, courage, and grace in the face of personal adversity.  This honor is awarded at the end of each season. 

Mike Reily was selected as an All-American linebacker for his performance during the 1961 season. In 1962, he contacted Hodgkin’s Disease. Although his health deteriorated over the next 18 months, Mike was determined to graduate with his class, remaining a presence on campus as he attended classes, presided over his fraternity and co-captained the 1963 team. After graduating with his class and receiving his Williams diploma in June 1964, Mike passed away. He was respected and loved by his teammates and all who knew him. Mike Reily represented the highest ideals of Williams College and the Williams Football program.

2023 John Freeman ’23
2022 Dan Vaughn ’23
2021 TJ Rothmann ’22
2020 No Season
2019 Kyle Horihan ’20
2018 Jaelon Moaney ’19
2017 Chris Hattar ’18
2016 Eric Davis ’17
2015 John Bond ’16
2014 Thomas Cabarle ’15
2013 Nate Saffold ’14
2012 Chris Cameron ’13
2011 Dylan Schultz ’12

Sideline Quarterback Recognition Award

2016 | Connor Harris
2015 | Kyrien Edwards & John Dillon
2014 | Chris LeFlore & Darrias Sime
2013 | Antonio Blanco & Qadir Forbes
2012 | Markus Gonzales
2011 | Greg Payton
2010 | Emmanuel Whyte
2009 | Dylan Schultz
2008 | Henry Szawlowski
2008 | John Szawlowski
2007 | Henry Szawlowski
2007 | John Szawlowski
2006 | Jonathan Dolan
2005 | Michael McCarthy
2004 | Dan Doyle
2003 | Michael McCarthy
2002 | Matt Stankiewicz
2001 | Craig Fydenkevez
2000 | Matt Stankiewicz
1999 | Matt Stankiewicz
1998 | Fred Storz
1997 | Lee Kindlon
1996 | Steven Mott
1995 | Lee Kindlon
1994 | Steven Mott
1993 | Michael Wynn
1992 | Cathleen Miller
1991 | Patrick Duquette
1989 | David Montgomery
1988 | David Montgomery
1983 | Jeffrey Congdon
1982 | Joseph Markland
1981 | Gary Stosz
1980 | Timothy Clark
1978 | Ann Jirkovsky
1977 | James Betti
1976 | David Libardi
1976 | Matthew Rowe
1975 | Walter Hutwelker
1975 | Joseph Jammallo
1974 | John Agostini
1973 | Maury Matteodo
1972 | Anthony Parise
1971 | Anthony Parise
1970 | John Hitchins
1969 | Jonathan Petke